Gymba® Activation Board


Ergonow is now the first Canadian Gymba® retailer!

Walk While Standing

  • Gymba® Board is specifically designed to improve office ergonomics and make our bodies active during the days at the office.
  • It pairs up perfectly with a standing desk and with its unique walking-feature it makes standing pleasant and healthy.
  • It can be effortlessly flipped over and serves as a comfortable footrest.
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Why Use Gymba®?

  1. Break Up Prolonged Sitting: Sitting for long periods is harmful to metabolism, increasing the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and premature death. Breaking up sitting every 30, 40, or 60 minutes improves health. GYMBA provides an easy way to do this.

  2. Encourages Standing: Many factors discourage us from standing. GYMBA offers a comfortable platform, making standing easier and more appealing.

  3. Increases Energy Expenditure: Sitting burns minimal energy (1-1.5 METs). Standing increases it by 25-50%, and using GYMBA can enhance this effect further for longer periods.

  4. Prevents Strain from Prolonged Standing: Standing too long can lead to fatigue, poor circulation, and conditions like edema and thrombosis. GYMBA promotes natural movement in the lower body, improving circulation and reducing strain.

  5. Makes Standing More Comfortable: Standing for long periods can be uncomfortable, especially at first. GYMBA provides a more comfortable surface, making it easier to stand for longer.

  6. Supports Spinal Health: Weak core and hip muscles, along with lower body tension, can strain the spine. GYMBA activates these muscles, improving blood circulation and metabolism, reducing the risk of chronic back issues.

  7. Aids in Back Pain Relief: Small bodily movements and frequent position changes are recommended over static rest. GYMBA helps facilitate these movements, and many users have reported reduced back pain.

  8. Strengthens Core and Hip Muscles: Prolonged standing can cause muscle strain and discomfort. GYMBA’s two-dimensional movement supports the entire back and hip area, improving core strength and control.

  9. Prevents Static Positioning: Standing still for too long isn’t beneficial. By adjusting GYMBA’s positioning, users can introduce movement in various directions, use it as leg support, or assist with stretching.

  10. Enhances Standing Desk Benefits: An adjustable desk alone doesn’t guarantee more standing time unless it’s comfortable. GYMBA is a simple yet effective tool to make standing at a desk more enjoyable and sustainable.

  11. Can Also Be Used As A Standard Footrest: GYMBA can be effortlessly flipped over and serves as a comfortable footrest.


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Orange, Pink, Graphite, Midnight Blue, Tidepool Green

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